Spring at last

We are back home for a few days and it has warmed up at last. I found myself overcome with the feverish Spring spirit and went a bit crazy in the garden spreading out all the previous years compost over the flower beds. I felt like the animals who all seem desperate to build nests, feed and get OUT. A rabbit is hanging out and fearless, happily grazing on the grass as I work, which I like but also know that I will pay for not scaring it off, it has already munched off a few tulip heads. The Coopers Hawks are back and are nesting, thankfully they are not as close to the backyard as last year but they are still hanging around, they do not seem bothered by me either.

I am wondering if we will get any morels this year and keep checking online to see when they will appear in our area. We have had them on a slope in our woods but it is hard for me to walk down there so am checking online first. They are the highlight of spring and my mouth salivates just at the thought of them. The ramps are just starting to show their heads so it won't be long now.

When we were in Missouri we saw a porcupine there for the first time. I did not know what it was at first and it was wonderful to see clambering around in the woods. Everything seems to be enjoying getting outside and it is a wonderful celebration to rediscover the great outdoors.
P.S. Oh how premature this was. One month later and it has snowed, rained and flooded and stayed COLD. Highs in the 50's and only 5 days this month without precipitation. I am hoping that it will warm up before the fall!


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